BBKDW(NPC) plays a critical role towards the implementation and realisation of the long-term plans espoused as per the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela Masterplan. The organisation operates within the ambit of the Shareholders Mandate as prescribed by Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela Traditional Community (BBKTC), a statutory body incorporated in terms of section 3 of the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Amendment Act, 2003

The mandate of the organisation is outlined in the Shareholders Mandate, prescribed by the BBKTC. It seeks to achieve the following outcomes;

  • Address systemic and structural poverty, lack of skills, and unemployment within the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela tribe;
  • Sustainably equip the current and future generations of Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela with transferable and portable scarce and critical skills;
  • Delivery of sustainable basic services - ensure that social and economic infrastructure is improved, upgraded, and maintained at all times with the resultant continued attraction of commercial and developmental investments and retention of scarce and critical skills;
  • Improve, upgrade and maintain the education, healthcare, community, security and postal services infrastructures;
  • Improve, upgrade and maintain the local roads, rail, electricity, sanitation, water and ICT infrastructures, and
  • Social and economic participation of the tribe to enhance the tax base of the region.


Speak the truth and accept the consequences


Adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and personal responsibility.


Adhere to the principles of good corporate governance 


Provide visible leadership and encourage collaboration, creativity, and benefit for all 


Respect for all
Honesty -
trust and transparency
Loyalty - commitment to serve
Fairness - equitable treatment
Compassionate – empathy

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